The ties that came in this particular batch are nice enough, but in relatively poor condition. This one has some small drops of paint near the bottom, and is generally a bit dingy, showing its age.
It may be fairly old, based on the construction, which is overlapping in back, not centered, as later ties tend to be. Also, there is no lining, just the tie fabric itself, with some stiffening fabric sewn in further up.
The design is pretty straightforward, if just a bit flamboyant. Showy peacocks strut their stuff amid hints of a fancy formal garden. The tie is done in what appears to be just three colors: the deep, almost brick-red, a blue-gray, and yellow, on top of white (one presumes). I say presumes, because I don't really know how the fabric was printed. It appears as though the red is the true background color, and I suppose the white, like the yellow and gray-blue, were printed over it, but somehow I doubt it.
The tie has one label, shown in the scan. I assume it's the seller's label. It reads as follows:
C.E. Pyle
Rochester, Ind.