Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunflowers, Union Made

Nothing says summer quite like sunflowers. These may not be depicted in their natural colors, but they do, nevertheless, suggest the rays of the summer sun, reflected in and symbolized by the sun-like shapes of the sunflower blossoms, and, frankly, by the waving stalks of grass, which also resemble tongues of flame streaming out from the sun's corona.

One can only surmise that this tie (like the Burro, Sombrero and Hay Wagon set) may have come in a variety of color combinations, the others of which we can only imagine.

This tie has a seller's label which reads:
Salem, Ore.
On the reverse of the label is another label, loosely stitched to it, which reads at the bottom:
There is a union symbol, and more wording at the top, which is too faded to make out. I provide a close-up of the label here, for anyone who might be able to read more of it than I can.


Anonymous said...


I just wanted to let you know that I check in to your site weekly. I'm a vintage tie collector, too. It's nice you spend the time to write about yours.


Unknown said...

I recognize this one from my stash