Sunday, June 14, 2009

Purple with Orange Birds

Last week's post featured pheasants in the brocade. This tie unfortunately has no brocade, but it also features birds, this time right on the tie, not hidden in the background.

What kind of birds they are, I'm not exactly sure, not being an expert birder or anything. But they look like fairly common ordinary type birds. At first glance, I thought they might be swallows, and the wing positions suggest swallows swooping, but the birds are a bit too plump to be swallows. They may not be realistic attempts to portray any particular species of bird, but may just be generic birds, who knows.

This is a gorgeous tie, with its combination of purple and orange, and with the background of branches, over which the birds are swooping and fluttering, indicate by the swirling movement lines connecting them. It and last week's "Pleasant Pheasant Brocade" exemplar came together in the same eBay purchase, the two of them sold as one lot.

There are two extant labels on this tie, sewn into the large end of the tie, rather than the small end, as is more typical. The first label is the seller's label, and it reads:

Goldstein-Migel Co
Waco, Texas

The second label is the manufacturer's label, and it reads:

California Classics
Made in California

As such, it joins four other Hollyvogue tie postings on the blog:
The last of those posts talks a bit about the Hollyvogue brand, and provides a link to the current Hollyvogue web site.


Anonymous said...

Great looking tie. I love Hollyvogue ties. What is it made of?

L. Bartoletti
Los Angeles

Will said...

Thanks for your comment, L. Bartoletti.

Unfortunately, the tie has no content label, so I don't know for sure what it's made of. Many ties of this era are made of rayon or acetate, sometimes silk. It has a satiny feel to it, as do many of these ties.

Mens Ties said...

Purple with orange combination are so nice and bird design are so nice ,,,,,