Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thirties Polka Dots

Back in early 2007, when I featured ties from the thirties (or ties that I have some reason to believe are from the thirties), I thought I had shown them all. All of them in my collection. But I missed at least two. So I'm going to include them now, to go along with the new one I acquired and presented a couple of weeks ago.

To see the earlier thirties, era ties on this blog, visit the early months of 2007. Here are some links:
There was only one thirties tie posted in April, though, and since the month will be displayed in reverse order (last first), you'll have to scroll to the end of the month to see that final thirties-era tie.

OK, so what about this one? It's kind of plain on the surface. Nothing really fancy. But when you look closer, there is an elaborate and ornate design that close up, provides a sense of richness and opulence not at all visible from a distance.

Small embroidered polka dots in alternating white and red are scattered evenly over a maroon background that is not solid. Instead, there are curvy lines embedded in the fabric, barely visible in the scan, that come off the edge of the tie from the left, make sweeping 90 degree turns heading directly up the tie, then turn again to run horizontally across the tie, and then up again. Each segment between turns is about an inch in length, and the lines run parallel to each other across the surface of the tie.

There is a label printed directly into the fabric of the lining of the tie, inside the large end. It reads as follows:

Constructed of
high grade rayon
with an inner lining
insuring long wear
good tying qualities.

I've reproduced the line breaks in the original label, but not the actual look, of course. The letters are all upper case, and the "Haband Cravat" portion is a much larger font size than the rest. And there is an elaborate heraldic style crest separating the "Haband Cravat" text from the rest.

All in all, typical of 1930-era ties. Unprepossessing in its appearance, until you take a closer look, upon which it shows a much more elaborate design than one's initial impression.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty neat. I noticed the wavy lines, but had no idea about the red/white alternating polka dots until you mentioned them. Cool tie!

Will said...

Thanks Craig. I hope you enjoy this week's as well!
